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Comprehensive solution
tailored for your


Ensure your brand is top-of-mind with distinctive brand assets.

Brand Naming & Identity  /  Brand Positioning & Statement  /  Brand Architecture  /  Brand Manual  /  Brand Research & Strategy  /  Event Branding  /  Re-branding

Packaging Design

Make your brand’s first impression tell a story that is remembered.

All types of product package design  /   Final artwork with printing special effects  /  Product mock-ups (3D) for eCommerce websites


Make an impact on your audience through catchy messages and concepts.

ATL & BTL  /  Print & Magazine Ads  /  Outdoor  /  Billboard  /  POS Design  /  Vehicle Livery

Digital Marketing

Make your digital footprint reach far through the latest tools & techniques.

Website  /  Social Media Marketing  /  Google Ads  /  SEO  /  Content Creation

Film & Motion

Captivate your viewers through stories that hook them to the end.

TV Commercials  /  Corporate Video  /  Motion Graphics  /  Animation  /  Product Display Slideshow


Promote your brand through the right channels with perfect planning.

Media Planning  /  Product Launch Events  /  Press Meet

Let NRay be your creative catalyst.

Contact us to give your brand

a marvelous makeover.

Let NRay be your creative catalyst. Contact us to give your brand a marvelous makeover.


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